Our life is spent looking to the future. What adventures will we find there?

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

A way to revive the spirit!

My negativity of hours ago has vanished. It is amazing how a small, somewhat everyday experience can do for your confidence...
 for your mood...
 for your soul....

While being in the big city we have found it hard to find quality fruit and vegetables, so this afternoon we made it our mission, and oh how I wish I took the camera. Words can't describe our first ride on the 'Subte' on a wonderful old train with its original wooden fittings, similar to the Melbourne City Circle tram, though without the buff and polish, and on an underground line.

Nor can words describe the sight of wonderful fruit and vegetable stands at Del Progreso Mercado, or the sight of the near full moon rising above the city as we emerged from the Subte on the way back to our hostel after a very successful shopping trip.

The real confidence booster was being able to buy train tickets, get off at the right station, sit down for a drink at a cafe, buy a whole lot of yummy delights, all without any difficulties. 

And then to cook this up into a delicious dinner to share with my favourite, most wonderful James.

Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Brenna you and James seem to be having a wonderful time, and taking classes too,
    How cool is that, it is good to see how other countries live.it is a real eye opener,enjoy Kathy Granddad
