Our life is spent looking to the future. What adventures will we find there?

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Some photos

Land at last!

Some sights we have seen on a city tour with bafreetours.com. Sol was a wonderful tour guide!

The pace of life in the city. A professional Dog Walker.

A view down 9 de Jullio Av. to the Obeliske
Recoletta church.

Dinner with a fellow Aussie on his last night in South America.

The atmosphere at dinner

And a little taste of our hostel...

The stairs at our hotel... What with the hours of walking we have done and the up and down these stairs multiple times we are likely to get fit quick!

A gorgeous mural, as seen from the balcony outside our room.


  1. Hi Brenna and James, Jack says he is missing you already. How was the flight transfers etc . How did you both cope with the long flight. We have been checking your blog each day waiting for some news. Love Jack and Mandy so p.s love the photo of Jack and Chilli :)

    1. Gorgeous photo isn't it :). The flight wasn't too bad, long and tedious but uneventful, which I count as being good!!! Neither of us slept on the plane though it was too noisy and uncomfortable. Jack, you should see all of the dogs here it is amazing! Some people have up to 5 dogs and people who work long hours pay professional dog walkers to come and walk them!

      Missing you all heaps xoxox
